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Great Basin College Profile

Sarah Negrete
Teacher Education Professor


Contact Information

Office Location: EIT 252, Elko Campus
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Whether or not syllabi are posted here is up to the discretion of the faculty member.
EDEL 313
Title:Elementary Methods Practicum II
Catalog Description: The second in a sequence of clinical and field experiences. Students will spend approximately 25 hours observing in the public schools. The portfolio and admission process is explained. May be taken two different semesters. May be repeated up to two credits. [P/W]
EDEL 315
Title:Elementary Methods Practicum III
Catalog Description: The third in a sequence of clinical field experiences. Students will spend 30 to 60 hours observing and teaching in public schools. [P/W]
EDEL 483
Title:Elementary Supervised Teaching Internship
Catalog Description: A semester teaching experience approved by the Teacher Education Committee. Each student will have a placement for 16 weeks. Policies and procedures are detailed in the Student Teaching Handbook. (Formerly EDU 406, Student Teaching Internship)
EDUC 323
Title:Teaching and Learning Education
Catalog Description: Includes planning for learning-centered environments, preparing lesson plans, preparing a professional portfolio, and understanding the Nevada standards.
EDUC 406
Title:Curriculum and Assessment Education
Catalog Description: Course covers the range of assessments used in elementary schools. Students learn to administer and interpret standardized or norm referenced tests, create appropriate criterion-referenced assessments, portfolios, performance tasks with data-collection, and record-keeping strategies for reporting student academic progress. Nevada Curriculum Standards and state testing instruments will be studied.
Request Information
Great Basin College - 1500 College Parkway - Elko, Nevada 89801 - 775-327-5002
A member institution of the Nevada System of Higher Education
Accredited by the Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities
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